Cover of the 1922 German edition of John Reed’s “10 Days That Shook The World”
This is an old story that you can find throughout the internet. I forget where I first heard it, but it has stuck with me. -SP
A farmer was tending to his crops when his beloved horse escaped and ran away. “Such misfortune,” his neighbors said. “We shall see,” the farmer replied.
The horse returned, bringing with it several wild horses. “What a blessing,” the neighbors said. “We shall see,” the farmer replied.
As the farmer’s son was tending to the wild horses, one kicked back and broke the son’s legs. “What tragedy,” the neighbors said. “We shall see,” the farmer replied.
Soon after the local magistrate came to enlist young men into the war. Upon seeing the farmer’s son was crippled, he moved on. “Such wonderful news,” the neighbors said.
“We shall see,” the farmer replied.
When I last submitted an Ludum Dare game, I gave myself an MS Paint trophy. I submitted another game, one I daresay is a bit better than the last, so here’s my reward.
that’s some CGI right there in case you can’t tell.
This LD was a blast. I spent the weekend hacking with four colleagues from Braintree and we had ourselves a hootenanny.
The game is more or less as I had imagined, albeit with a few missing bells and whistles. The last big gameplay feature where villagers build huts is still in-progress, and it could really use a GUI to tell you what’s going on. Still, remarkably complete, especially when compared to how very far short I fell last time.
I really had fun with this. One of my 2014 New Year’s Resolutions is to try and make a game every quarter. I have a few things I’d like to experiment with - in particular, I want to see how hard it is to make an online multiplayer game. I am going to finish up Our Man Dragon first though.
As always, thanks to the organizers for making this happen. LD is a very special event for me.
Making progress, but now my enemy is time
A number of ideas come and go for these competition, but there can ultimately be only one. A few of the nearly-games